It is estimated that 2-3% of Indonesia's population suffer from severe mental disorders. If half of them requiring hospital treatment and if the population in Indonesia amounted to 120 million people this means that 120 thousand people with severe mental disorders requiring hospital treatment. And that is now only about 10,000 beds.
In Indonesia has always been known as a mental disorder. How can the mental patients are treated in ancient times in Indonesia is not clearly known. The action in question is put in the stocks, chained, or tied and then placed themselves at home or in the woods (if the nature of severe disruption and endanger his soul). If not dangerous, let loose in the village, seeking food and a public spectacle, sometimes even treated as sacred.
1. Colonial Period
Before Psychiatric Hospital in Indonesia, the mental hospital accommodated in civilian or military hospital in Jakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya. Which accommodated most severe mental patients . It turned out that the hospital provided was not enough. In 1082 the Dutch Government held a census of people with mental disorders on the island of Java and Madura, the result is approximately 600 people with mental disorders in Java and Madura, another 200 people in other areas. Such circumstances to the authorities at that time was there sufficient reason to build a mental hospital. So on July 1, 1982, built the first mental hospital in Bogor, then a row of Lawang mental hospital (June 23, 1902), Magelang psychiatric hospital (1923) and hospitals Sabang (1927). This mental hospital classified as large hospitals and accommodate people with chronic mental disorders that require long treatment.
Dutch East Indies government recognize 4 types of psychiatric patient care, namely :
a. Mental hospital (kranzinigenngestichten)
In Bogor, Magelang, Lawang, and Subang, asylum and hold a full, resulting in accumulation of patients in the hospital while, where resistance while police and prisons. Then constructed "annexinrichtingen" in a mental hospital who had no way of Semplak (Bogor) in 1931 and Pasuruan (near Lawang) in 1932.
b. Temporary hospital (doorgangshuizen)
Temporary shelters for an acute psychotic patients. They were discharged after recovery and some of which require longer treatment, sent to a mental institution "doorgangshuizen" was established in Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, Palembang, Bangli (Bali), Padang, Lubuk Pakam (Padang), Banjarmasin, Manado, and Glugur (Medan).
c. Hospital Care (veerplegtehuiizen)
Serves as a "doorgangshuizen", but headed by a registered nurse under the supervision of a general physician.
d. Colonies
Shelter psychiatric patients who had calmed down. Patients can work in agriculture and the population living in the house, and the hosts were given "money boarding", and still remain under supervision.
Such houses are built in places far from the city and the general public. Patient care is "isolation" and "maintenance" (Custodial care). Basic theory (which now no longer held) is that patients should get out of the home environment and their communities for which he became ill and therefore need to be treated somewhere quiet, so that eventually could familiarize himself with the hospital atmosphere. Another reason for mental patients in a place that is isolated and remote areas to avoid the stigma of the bad people not being sympathetic to people with mental disorders. However, because of some mental patients stay in hospital for long periods of time, so when they return to their places of origin is still labeled as "crazy" or "the former home of crazy". In "1936-feestbundel Geneeskundig nederlansch voor Tijdshrift Indie", hal.73-83 was written: "Families vrienden en los erder Zich Maken van een chronische kranzinnige and zwaar, vooral op den duur". (family and his brother more quickly distanced themselves from the patients who have chronic mental disorders rather than from a normal patient. Humanity is not rewarded with affection over time will be heavy).
Today the government has only one type of mental hospitals, namely the Government Mental Hospital, to simplify and strengthen the organizational structure and the tendency to remove discrimination in the service.
There is also a tendency to build mental hospitals for first tidal again, but with a capacity of not more than 250-300 beds, because it turned out that the smaller hospitals are more efficient and effective. This hospital should also be established is not isolated and remote as it used to, but are in the midst of society, so that the relationship between patients and families and their communities with all their activities can be more assured, because ultimately the patient must return to his family and his community.
The first treatment is often used in the mental hospital is: isolation and preservation (Custodial Care), which is "wrapped" (the body with his arms wrapped in a blanket), injection of a sedative (morphine-atropine or luminal-skopolamin Intramuscular and intravenous somnifen, if very disturbed patients. If patients want to take medicine, meaning given to calm him down Veronal). Further therapy bath (sprayed or soaked: " permanent baden "), drying in the heat of the sun (drying) in addition to other activities and jobs.
Since the year 1910 had attempted to leave the care that is too tight for members to patients with greater freedom (movement "no restraint"). In 1930 work began to start therapy, such as the soil and so forth, not only held as individualization and differentiation in the design of modern rehabilitation (with the help of knowledge of psychology, sociology, and science education).
All mental hospitals and other facilities built and financed by the Dutch East Indies government, which eventually form the "dienst van het Krankzinnigenwezen" to take care of this. In the field of mental health administration, the establishment of this office is a big step forward. From the private sector, on the initiative of the van Wulfften Palthe founded a colony in the Great Lenteng that receive subsidies from the government. "Witte Kolonie crotch" in Salatiga is a private effort to accommodate the beggars in the Central Java region, but also willing to accept former mental patients who are treated with a calm for free.
During World War 2 and the Japanese occupation, mental health business can not thrive. Some facilities can not be used again, because damaged, not maintained or have been destroyed by war atrocities, such as Sabang Psychiatric Hospital.
2. Era after independence
Bringing a new chapter for the development of mental health efforts, the government of Indonesia in October 1047 to form the Bureau of Mental Illness Affairs, still occurs klarena physical revolution is not yet able to work well. In 1950 the government of Indonesia to carry out assigned things that are important for the holding and promotion of mental health in Indonesia. This bureau shading under the Ministry of Health; in 1958 turned into Affairs Mental Illness; 1960 became part of Mental Health, and in 1966 became the Directorate of Mental Health who until now headed by the Director or Head of Mental Health Directorate.
Mental Health Directorate organizational structure to improve the Department, which turned into sub-Improvement (Promotion), sub-services, and Recovery, Rehabilitation and sub-sub Program Development.
With the stipulation of Law No. 3 of Mental Health in 1966 by the government, it is more open to gather all the potential to gradually carry out the modernization of all system hospitals and health facilities in Indonesia jkiwa. Mental Health Directorate held in cooperation with various government agencies and with the faculty of medicine, international agencies, national and regional seminars Asia and meetings of national and regional employment. The existence of reporting guidance system, composed PPGDJ I in 1973 and published in 1975 and the integration of health services at the primary health care.
Private parties have been more concerned with any mental health problems, especially in big cities. In Jakarta, later in Yogayakarta and Surabaya as well as several other cities established mental health sanitarium. Government General Hospital and the Armed Forces hospital providing beds for mental patients and established the psychiatry, as well as private hospitals such as St.Carolus hospital in Jakarta, Mount Mary's Hospital (Minahasa). In Jakarta and Surabaya have established Mental Health Center Society.
The division of "territory" and "resorts" Mental Health Directorate
Resort I Banda aceh (D.I Aceh)
Medan (Sumatra Utara)
Padang (Sumatra Barat )
Resort II Palembang (Sumatra Selatan) Western part of Indonesia
(Mentok), Sungai Liat (Riau) (9 provinces, 7institutions)
Singkawang (Jambi)
Pontianak (Kalimantan Barat)
Jakarta (DKI-Jakarta)
Bogor (Jawa Barat)
Cimahi CentralIndonesia
Resort III Semarang (Jawa Tengah)
Magelang (D.I Yogyakarta) (6 provinces) (10 institutions)
Resort IV Lawang (Jawa Timur)
Bangli (Bali)
(Kubu) (Kalimantan Selatan)
Tamban (Kalimantan Tengah)
Samarinda (Kalimantan Timur)
(Selebung) (Nusa Tanggara Barat)
Nusa Tenggara Timur Eastern Indonesia
Resort V Ujung Pandang (Sulawesi Selatan) (11 provinces) (6 institutions)
Manado (Sulawesi Utara)
(Abepura) (Sulawesi Tengah)
Sulawesi Tenggara
Irian Jaya
Method of treatment the patient has many mental disorders has progressed from age to age. Evolution is a reflection of changes in filisofi basics and theory of treatment.
- Early history
mental disorders is still considered a disease that is incurable and associated with sin or evil, so that sometimes even the treatment is carried out brutal and inhuman.
- Medieval
people who experience mental disorders are usually imprisoned / locked up by her family. They even removed and allowed to live on the streets by begging. But after a few religious groups that contribute, the patient began to be distributed to hospitals, hospital (stuart Sundeen, 1998).
- 15-17th century
His condition is still worrying. Male patients and female together. They get clothes and food that is not feasible, often chained, locked, and kept away from the sun (Connolly, 1968: quoted by Otong Antai, 1994).
- 18th Century
French Revolution and the American who inspire the public for freedom and fair treatment for all.
- 19th century
Established the first psychiatric hospital, McLean Asylum in Massachusetts that provide humane treatment to people with mental disorders (Stuart Sundeen, 1998).
- 20th Century
Called the era of psychiatry, because the medical start digging in a mental basis and clinical sciences, such as Adolph Meyer (1866-1950) with the theory psikobiologi; Clifford Beers (1876-1943) who wrote an article about the neonatal intensive care; Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926) classification problems with his soul; Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939) who invented the term schizophrenia; Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) who developed the theory of psychoanalysis, psychosexual, and neurosis; Carl Gustav Jung (1857-1961), Karen Horney (1885-1952) , and Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949) with the interpersonal theory.
Mental health flourished during World War II because of their approach to public health service method service. Consequently, the role of the nurse soul also changed from a supporting role to an active role in the health care team, to treat people with mental disorders. At present, treatment of mental patients is more focused on community basis. This is in agreement with the National Conference on Mental Nursing I (October, 2004), that the treatment will be more focused in terms of preventive action. Some journals suggest that preventive action is essential.
.- Childhood maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, exposure to abuse) are obtained when the little one turned out to make an impact and cause of vulnerability experienced a mental disorder. Of 8000 respondents, 14% claimed to have experienced one of the three types, and 34% said having more than one type of (American Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 160, August 2003).
- Women who experience depression at age 18-21 years old, have a tendency obese compared with not experiencing. But in general, they bail men and women who were depressed at age 11-15 epidemic, it has a tendency to obesity is higher in the period of his adult (Archives of Pediatrics and Adilescent Medicine, Volume 157, August 2003).
- All of the respondents aged 26 years, more than half have mental health problems predicted with mental disorders that may be suffered when he was 15 years (Archives of General Psychiatry, Volume 60, July 2003).
- Pharmacological therapy and psychotherapy are given simultaneously in low-income women suffering from depression, it can lower levels of depression. Reported that they are only just getting terpai pharmacology, showed decreased levels of depression and also increase the work activity or work house. While those who only received psychotherapy alone, also experienced a decrease in depression levels but did not experience an increase in the home or work activities (Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 290, July 2003).
- A child with parents who have mental disorders is also on her period Adolescent (Pediatrics, Volume 112, August 2003).
References :
Yosep, Iyus. 2009. Keperaawtan Jiwa. Edisi Revisi. Bandung : Refika Aditama.
Maramis, W.F. 2005. Catatan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa. Surabaya : Airlangga University Press.
Asmadi. 2008. Konsep Dasar Keperawatan. Jakarta : EGC
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